And I'm just looking to have fun and go on some adventures. Group sex in Lewistown, PA. Adult swinger couples over 40

I have a partner (female) who likes to play occasionally but It is primarily just me looking for fun! Please no messages from gay or trans. Looking for new connections, friendships, new experiences and a thorough exploration of my body and sexuality. Anyone who is up for fun sex women couples men. I am looking for something in Lewistown, PA better with a connection.

Love big cocks and sucking on big tits and pussy.. ***FULLY VACCINATED COUPLE***We are a wmc and have been in the lifestyle for about 8 years on and off.

Come visit me! Wife and myself like to do oral and receive, some kinks need to ask.

I am a 44 year old separated guy with an overactive sex drive, haha. Mom fucking with people. Looking to have some fun and frolics.

It's been a rough few years. I'm average size but have a talented tongue and love oral. Im openminded and without preferences...Very Openminded xx lm mainly attracted to personality xx l love men. Ideally I am looking for somebody who is look for a serious relationship and is a full partner in this search and process. Looking for relationship or sex fun trying new things for fun. I love one on one but I have tired 2 men at the same time and then seeing if there is anything sexual. Swinging singles of Lafayette, Louisiana.

Im laid back funny and open to trying new things at least once. Some call me an old-fashioned gentleman. Don't have my own place yet but it's coming soon so yay.

Hot hormy females. I have my own.

I am not into the bar scene and a casual relationship. Sexually I'm into oral and love giving as much as receiving. I'm looking for a life partner or new friends. I like to put things in my mouth.
I am looking for someone that enjoys the same things as me..that has no attachments...and is outgoing.

I am very happy in my marriage and not looking to change that, discreet and funny is a great a combination :). I am picky on who I actually meet, don't take kindly to being played as I am sure none of you do either. So I am Lewistown, PA looking for partners and friends to make this a summer to remember.

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